Monday, April 6, 2020

Making a 22nd century home

3rd Grade

Making a 22nd century home


In this activity, you will watch a video on Sustainable Development. I know those sound-like big words so lets break it down. Sustainable means to be able to do something for a long time. Sustainable energy is wind, water, and solar. Development means to build and create many things like cars, homes, businesses, and many others.

1.  Watch the video

2.  Draw a design your 22nd century home (How will you heat it? Or cool it down in the summer? Get water? electricity?

3.  Label all the parts of your design

4. (Optional) then make a mockup (model) of your house using cardboard or paper.

5.  Take a video or a picture of your 22nd Century home.

6. Upload your picture or video to Padlet.

7.  Tell us about it in Padlet you can use the mic feature and tell about it or you can type your description.

8. Remember to put your name in the title of your Padlet post.

9. Have fun Your Imagination is Your Only Limitation!

10.Remember you have until next Wednesday to turn this in.

Sustainable Development video

What is Solar Power?

What is Hydro Power?

What is Wind Power?

If you need any help or have questions

 please feel free to email me at: 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cannot get anything to go onto Padlet. Will keep trying. Kaylee f. Mr huot class

    1. Hi Kaylee, if you can not get it to upload to Padlet please feel free to email it to me at
